Renault has managed to determine the relevance of its campaign and the impact of its brand in specific locations, based on the recurrence of dealership visits by previously contacted users.
Together with OMD and TAPTAP Networks, Renault is introducing a multimodal advertising campaign in order to reinforce mobile user traffic and guide it to 148 points of sale at the national level. Through its global mobile marketing platform Sonata, TAPTAP is developing digital strategies on a nationwide scale by implementing highly localized solutions in the mobile medium. With the main goal of guiding traffic to its points of sale, Renault has introduced geo-profiling from smartphone signals, advancing one step further in the measurement of the physical and digital performance of its campaign.
The current advertising strategies of global large-scale advertisers face the need to reach local context. Traditionally, advertisers have focused their local advertising impact strategy on the use of traditional medias such as radio and the regional press. Today mobile-centric digital campaigns, through the use of advance profiling, activation and attribution based on location signals adds new possibilities to the local ecosystem. Renault has determined multiple highly localized campaign areas associated with individual budgets and dealerships, starting from an estimate of the total users who can be influenced in each area and language.
The campaign cluster has focused on having an impact on users with a high propensity to buy in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valladolid (in total, 128 hyperlocal points). This cluster has been built using TAPTAP's Sonata technology, which analyzes and certifies anonymous local presence signals sent out by smartphones, together with the signals that refer to the user's geographic location history and the digital behavior.
As for the graphic solution implemented, the use of a dynamic interstitial rich media “Tap to Map” format has succeeded in strengthening users' engagement and improving the flow towards the point of sale. These creative aspects also adapt the message to the user's geographic location, showing the location of the closest Renault dealership participating in the promotion. The strategy has also relied on mobile web retargeting and geo-conquest, with an impact on users who have visited competitors' dealerships.

How has the campaign's performance been measured in physical terms? TAPTAP, uses Sonata LQI (Location Quality Index), which certifies the quality of highly localized data signals in order attribute physical and digital traffic obtained from any campaign on the Sonata Platform. The campaign has established a series of specific zones around Renault dealerships (50 meters, 100 m, and 150 m). The goal was to measure the movement of devices into these areas and in this way to determine which of the devices detected inside the dealership had been impacted by the campaign before.
As for the results of the campaign, traffic headed for Renault dealerships and user interaction with the premises grew considerably compared to prior campaigns. Also, the categories with the highest interaction ratio were Society, Fashion and Style, Hobbies and Interests, and last, Arts and Entertainment.
In terms of operating systems, engagement was 41% higher on Android systems than on iOS. Lastly, the provinces with the most engagement were those of Badajoz, Burgos, Cantabria, and Pamplona.
The strategic mobile-centric solution provided by OMD, together with TAPTAP's Sonata technology, provided Renault with high quality localized digital coverage that complemented the more traditional local media.
Source: La Publicidad